Ocean Shipping Requirements

72 hours prior to a shipment departing via ocean vessel the shipper must submit an ISF form to RL Jones Customshouse Brokers . This applies to LCL and FCL shipments.
Download the ISF form HERE!

  • Also include copy of all shipping documents to include : Booking Confirmation, Invoice, Packing List & Bill of Lading (If available).
  • If the supplier or their subcontractor fails to comply with this requirement, NASSCO reserves the right not to become the importer. All fines and penalties resulting from a late or incorrect ISF filing will be billed to the supplier.

Please send the ISF form to RL Jones to nassco@rljones.com

RL Jones Customhouse Brokers
8830 Siempre Viva Rd. Suite 300
San Diego CA, 92154
Phone +1 (619) 661-8182 Ext. 1210
Fax +1 (619) 661-8183

Material to imported to support a U.S. Government program might qualify for Duty Free Entry.

1. Per U.S. law the supplier must mark all packages with the words “UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U.S. NAVY” (48 CFR § 52.225-8 - Duty-Free Entry)

2. Suppliers must enter the Government prime contract number on the Commercial Invoice. Please reach to your NASSCO contact the obtain the Government prime contract number.

3. The commercial invoice must include the below notation:
“UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, _____ [agency] _____, Duty-free entry to be claimed pursuant to Item No(s) _____ [from Tariff Schedules] _____, Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the United States. Upon arrival of shipment at port of entry, District Director of Customs, please release shipment under 19 CFR Part 142 and notify [cognizant contract administration office] for execution of Customs Forms7501 and 7501-A and any required duty-free entry certificates.”;
4. Gross weight in pounds (if freight is based on space tonnage, state cubic feet in addition to gross shipping weight)

5. Estimated value in United States dollars.

RL Jones Customhouse Brokers
8830 Siempre Viva Rd. Suite 300
San Diego CA, 92154
Phone +1 (619) 661-8182 Ext. 1210
Fax +1 (619) 661-8183

DSV Air & Sea, Inc.
1425 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 900
San Diego, CA 92154
Phone: +1 (858) 621-6314 ext. 6309

All material imported should be classified with the correct USHTS code according to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States of America. Latest version: https://hts.usitc.gov/

All commercial invoices and packing list must contain USHTS or HS codes.

For assistance, please contact: logistics@nassco.com