NASSCO became the first commercial shipyard in the United States to be ISO 14001-certified for its comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS).
ISO 14001 is an internationally accredited standard for environmental protection regulations and procedures administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 140 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industries, businesses, and consumer representatives. The ISO sets voluntary standards and guidelines for manufacturing and engineering organizations to help promote quality products and protection of the local environment.
Elements of NASSCO’s EMS include environmental policy, planning, operational controls, internal auditing, corrective action, continual improvement in environmental protection performance, and employee environmental awareness. In order to maintain certification, the company is regularly audited to verify continued compliance with ISO 14001 standards.
NASSCO’s Environmental Policy:
“We are committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution.”
Consistent with our “One NASSCO” values, our Environmental Policy embodies our commitment to stewardship of the environment in the performance of our work. We do this by preventing pollution, using resources wisely, honoring our commitments, and fulfilling our compliance obligations. We take actions to continuously improve our environmental management system, enhance our environmental performance, and protect the environment.
NASSCO has been recognized by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors for becoming the first private shipyard in the United States to voluntarily gain ISO 14001 certification. County Supervisors commended the company “for embracing the principles of pollution prevention and the highest standards of environmental performance.”