Start of Construction for New Prime Line at NASSCO Shipyard

SAN DIEGO – On Monday, January 18, NASSCO shipbuilders signaled the start of construction for a new prime line at NASSCO, replacing the original line installed more than 40 years ago.

Vital to the shipbuilding process, the prime line is where shipbuilding begins at NASSCO. The new line will operate about 30 percent faster, improve our blast and paint quality, handle larger plates, and eliminate nearly all sources of emission – creating a more efficient and environmentally sound process.

San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox and Unified Port of San Diego Chairman Marshall Merrifield attended the groundbreaking ceremony.

Prime Line Groundbreaking
Pictured (L to R): Bernie Kerschbaum, CEO, Rösler USA; the Honorable Marshall Merrifield, Chairman, Unified Port of San Diego Board of Commissioners; the Honorable Greg Cox, Supervisor, County Board of Supervisors; Kevin Graney, General Manager and Vice President, General Dynamics NASSCO; Jim Quagline, Facilities Project Manager, General Dynamics NASSCO; Bill Cuddy, Vice President of Operations, General Dynamics NASSCO; Geno Martinelli, Facilities and Maintenance Superintendent, General Dynamics NASSCO; Steve Merritt, KPFF Consulting Engineer; Greg Lewis, President, Omega Industrial.